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Days turn into years

11:49 a.m. || September 25, 2004

Okay so I haven't written in here for a couple days now so I guess I should bring people up to speed or something.
My new Job seems cool enough I don't think I want to stick in this department for that long, but then again I could change my mind about that tomorrow... I do stuff like that...
ooo That song meet Virginia by train just started to play on launch, I love this song! I mean love. Okay sorry that was random.
Let's see other bits of interesting news... I got a laptop and I absolutely love it, plus once I get Sims2 It's going to make the game soooo much more enjoyable! But I digress nobody cares about the dork that is me!
I think I'm boycotting the dating scene for a while, I think girls are not worth the trouble anymore... However give me a week or so because I most likely will take back what I said.


Okay so on to something that is actually kind of important. Last night or maybe it was a day or two before last night I had a light bulb moment. I realized that some of my "friends" have really done a number on me. That at the end of the day a couple people I really thought wouldn't do that to me did. No, I'm not bitter or angry about it, I mean that would just be wasted energy on my part if I was. But I think I'm a little disappointed, disappointed in these people. But more so disappointed in myself for investing as much time and love in these people as I did. But most of all this doesn't help me because just like life when it's going well I'm waiting for the other shoe to fall. Yeah I take all my relationships with a grain of salt now I mean I still invest time and my love in these situations but I'm also the scared kid in the corner who's just waiting for the wrath of god! *oh you know what I mean*

Okay this is all random and I'm sure you all don't care so I'm shutting up now....
oooo the song right here by Jeremy camp is playing me like...

Stale || Fresh


A life time isn't aslong as it use to be - August 24, 2006
Heart bleeding in the end - May 05, 2006
Heads spinning - March 17, 2006
Kind of interesting - February 23, 2006
ten years in the making - February 19, 2006