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"The blood that turned the oceans red is our History."

3:00 p.m. || February 18, 2005

I'm one of those people who appreciates black history month, I'm also one of those people who get's mad that we ever had to have to designate a month for such teaching. I mean really growing up and going to school is it too much to ask to teach more then about the old dead white guys, a few women and like Rosa Parks... But it's like everyone knows the story of her and Washington... Let's breath some new life into the history books...
But I digress...

Anyway in honor of Black History Month I decided to share some of my favorite poems by black poets...

So Enjoy!

To You
--- Jean Toomer

All my life they have told me
that you would save my soul
that only by kneeling in your house
and eating of your body
and drinking of your blood
could I be born again...
And yet
one night
In the tall black shadow of a windy pine
I offered up the sacrifice of body
upon the alter
of her breast...
who were conceiver without ecstasy
or pain
can you understand
that I knelt last night in your house
and ate of your body
and drink of your blood
...and thought only of her?

Marrow of My Bone
--- Mari Evans

Fondle me
and cradle me
with your lips
the nectar from
teach me there

My Sadness Sits around me
--June Jordan

My Sadness sits around me
not on haunch's not in any
placement near a move
and the tired roll on
of a boredom without grief

If there were war
I would watch the hunting
I would chase the dogs
and blow the horn
because blood is commonplace

As I walk in peace
unencountered unmolested
unimpinging unbelieving undesired
under every O
My sadness sits around me

Stale || Fresh


A life time isn't aslong as it use to be - August 24, 2006
Heart bleeding in the end - May 05, 2006
Heads spinning - March 17, 2006
Kind of interesting - February 23, 2006
ten years in the making - February 19, 2006