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starting over?

4:09 p.m. || April 15, 2005

I know that this might sound a little strange but I am at this point in my life where I really have made a internal choice to "start over." I've wasted a good couple years trying to "find my self" which the end result is one that is very mixed. On the one side the last couple years, how I went about it... All was completely worth it and I'm such a better person for going through with it all.
Then on the other side of things It probably was one of the stupidest things I decided to do. As well as one of the most misguided adventures.

Yeah I think that's how I'll sum up the last three maybe four years of my life.... One big misguided adventure! Maybe if I ever pick up writing plays again I'll title my next one that! But yea I highly doubt I'll be writing anything remotely interesting ever again.

But I ramble....

So the strange thing is... Okay so it might be more of a sad pathetic thing that just happens to explain the natural order of my life...

But like figure this one out. I grew up wanting to be everything and anything, mostly because one of my biggest personality traits is being a dreamer. Which can be such a great thing and such a horrible thing all together.
However the one thing I've always wanted to do was be a teacher after that it was help the less fortunate. What can I say I admired Robin Hood a lot more then I did let's say someone like Bill gates.. Okay so that's probably strange comparison or whatever you want to call it!

So 23 years later after 7 years trying to convince myself that I didn't want to do it I'm completely back at square one. Wanting to work with kids... Because let's face it at the end of the day it still is just all about the children...=0)

But like in High school and especially now I really want to work with children literacy programs. It's just one of those things that I really have always been really big on... Hence why I've started my children's book collection. Okay so I kind of also just like children's books. but there's nothing wrong with that...

So yup now I have to figure out how this is all going to work out... For once I should probably plan this all out. I DON'T KNOW CAN'T SOMEONE JUST TELL ME WHAT TO DO?!?!?


I digress

Stale || Fresh


A life time isn't aslong as it use to be - August 24, 2006
Heart bleeding in the end - May 05, 2006
Heads spinning - March 17, 2006
Kind of interesting - February 23, 2006
ten years in the making - February 19, 2006