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Just another day?

11:35 p.m. || September 01, 2004

Today was a strange mixture of good and bad that at the end of the day I�m just kind of tired.

So I guess I should begin with the fun unpredictable things. Like Yvette out of nowhere made me lunch. But not just lunch but Chili Rejeno with rice and corn. Hell she even gave me Tupperware filled with homemade salsa! My god I could of kissed her today for that, it was just one of those things that makes you happy that (some) awsome people really do exsist. Not to mention she brought it to me all hot and shit *sigh* so very lovely...

Okay so other thing that kind of helped make my day... I was helping Kathleen today (she's a regular) she's this really hot 30something who's absolutely outgoing and fun and she always manages to put a smile on my face... But better yet she�s a fire fighter so hot! Anyway we were chatting and she was telling me about her buddy who�s birthday it is and there having a little party at the fire house tonight... Well me being the dork that I am I chuckle and say �mmmm uniforms very hot� she laughs and says �so people say.� �Yeah but you know women in uniforms are even hotter� At this point I�m looking around to see who is talking because surely that�s not me. I don�t say things like that, I�m more of the don�t realize someone�s flirting till I left the building kind of gal.

Anyway she so turns red (score) and she had one of the best comebacks ever invented (my humble opinion of course) �Maybe but I�m more into a girl in an apron, (winks) especially a girl who wares one and knows how to cook... So Richard say�s you can cook?� �Yeah I know a few tricks� �(laughs) I bet you do... Well this has been enlightening but I really should go find Jack.�

Jack is this really flamboyant black man she is always with he�s precious! So yeah he was eyeing the tomatoes, aka spying. But I point him out she smiles and walks off...

By now I�m almost sure I�ve melted into a puddle... Anyway like I don�t know how long goes by when Diana comes up to me all hyper and �Oh My God!� � Like and I swear she�s jumping up and down and I ask her what's up! She tells me Kathleen asked her how old I was! Jake joked and said something like she looks like she�s still in High School (Damn this baby face!) So anyway Diana sets the record straight and from what she says Kathleen�s answer to that was �well still kind of young, but very legal.) At this moment boys and girls I can die happy because hello Hot tomboyish Fire fighter!!!

Okay so that�s all there is to the fun stuff onto the more icky shit... Mostly the only bad thing was Richard in that bitchy way all gay men have managed to bitch at me for like 30min over the phone. Something about how he needs my availability to be open during the Holidays and that I need to inform Friends and Family of this and that I should not make plans that can�t be broken during this time... Yeah well fuck that! Nobody tells me what to do especially when my personal life is concerned. But yeah there was more to this conversation but yeah needless to say it was annoying. I was talking to Celi and she told me something like... because Maria and I are the only ones who don�t have set schedules, or go to school, or have second jobs. He feels he can be an ass because he thinks we wont just up and quit because we need said job. Well, little does he know I may need this job but I won�t stay anywhere if I feel like I�m being treated like shit. But it�s not even that I just am pissed because he was basically yelling at me and he was telling me shit as if he was my father or something... I mean seriously �Don�t make plans... And on your days off make sure nothings set in stone so if I have to call you in you can come straight over..� Um sorry Mr. I don�t work like that... But you guys tell me do you think like most things I�m over reacting?

Okay and now onto the oddest thing about today...

This lady came into work, sweet enough and I�m sure a good soul. But like she wanted me to write on a bunch of cupcakes, which is fine I like doing stuff like that. But we were chatting and she told me she had nothing to do today but then she remembered it�s her dog�s birthday. So she actually went out and bought the pooch cupcakes and stuff. I asked if people were coming over and she was like �nope just me and my baby, he�s the love of my life I have to do something! You know?� Then she just walked off with her cupcakes in hand... And well that�s when it dawned on me, If when I�m older then I am now and if I�m living with cats or dogs or even rats and I have no gf or kids and I am celebrating there birthdays please... Please for the love of God just put me out of my misery....

That�s not asking to much in the end I mean now really!

Stale || Fresh


A life time isn't aslong as it use to be - August 24, 2006
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Kind of interesting - February 23, 2006
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